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Highfields Primary School

Years 5 and 6

Welcome to Years 5 and 6 at Highfields Primary School


If you need to see your child’s teacher, please make an appointment by contacting the school office.


Year 5 Centipede Class

Mrs Deane – Class Teacher
Mrs Gee - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Coultharde-Steer - Teaching Assistant/Thrive Practitioner

Mrs Gray - Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Miles - Teaching Assistant 


Year 5/6 Beetle Class

Mrs Embrey and Mrs Sams – Class Teachers

Mrs Cowie - Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Goldsmith - Teaching Assistant 


Year 6 Firefly Class

Mrs Wilton – Class Teacher
Mrs Mills – Higher Level Teaching Assistant - teaching class Mondays
Mrs Meakings –  Teaching Assistant/Thrive Practitioner


Miss Dobner –  Y5 & 6 Teaching Assistant



What to expect in Year 5

Year 5 is a year to embed and build on the knowledge learnt in lower Key Stage 2 and also to start the preparations for transition to secondary school. Children in Year 5 are increasingly encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning: to do their homework, to pack their school bag, to remember which days they have PE. It is about encouraging independence, maturity and confidence.


What to expect in Year 6.

Year 6 is a key moment in your child’s life; they will develop more independence, a huge amount of resilience and, most importantly, they should become very aware of who they are as both learners and as young adults. The most important thing is to continue to help where possible with reading, homework, times tables. It is never too late to develop a love of reading!


It is the final year of Key Stage 2 before embarking on their journey to secondary school in the following September. There will be a focus on the end of Key Stage 2 National Curriculum assessments, otherwise known as the Standard Assessment Tests (SATs). The assessment tasks that all Year 6 pupils sit in May of each year. The results of these will determine whether your child has met the ‘expected’ level in English and maths.


There are many other valuable subjects that are not assessed in the tests which many children excel in – and these are equally as important. 

The school day 


● School begins at 8.40am. Children should come through their allocated entrance and walk straight into their classroom.

● Lessons start at 9am.

● Break is from 11am to 11.15am.

● Lunch is from 12.15pm to 1.10pm.

● The school day ends at 3.15pm.

Year 5 in action
