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Highfields Primary School

Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

PSHE Gallery

Displays around the school promoting our values od Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience and Friendship

Anti Bullying Week - Odd Socks Day

Annually in November  we  celebrate “Odd Socks day” to promote Anti-Bullying Week,

The focus from the charity “Anti-Bullying Alliance” is to promote a collective responsibility to stop bullying and for everyone from the youngest to the oldest to feel that they can speak up to challenge bullying.

To show that we are standing up to bullying, all we needed to do is come to school wearing odd socks. No donations were necessary.

We had a whole school assembly on the theme of “Change starts with me”.

This has become a regular part of the Highfields calendar, as it supports our Highfields ethos of "positive friendships"

Highfields Odd Socks Day Poem - Each class contributed lines to a group write poem for 2019 Odd Socks Day

Reception Class's Odd Socks

Growing Up Questions Boxes - in every class through the school

Highfields welcomes the Life Space!

PSHE provides us with all of the skills we need in life, and is a subject that underpins the ethos of this school. Tolerance, respect, resilience and hard work are embedded across the school - our children are a wonderful example of this.


Children's work across the school


Our curriculum is planned to engage and excite all learners using SCARF. Below you will find examples of work across key stage 1 and 2. Key stage 1 really enjoy creating their learning journeys whilst key stage 2 have produced some fantastic work on health and safety.


