Subject Leadership
Teacher / Governor Subject Responsibilities 2023-24
Reading Manager English Foundation Stage | Mrs S Allston Mrs B Embrey Mrs H Cole and Mrs M Battle | Amy Hutchings
Fiona Brayshaw |
Maths | Mrs V Yardley Key Stage 1 Mrs A Yates Key Stage 2
| Rob White |
Computing Online Safety
| Mr A Page Mrs D Mills | Matt Embrey |
Science | Mr S Smith | Amy Edgington |
Design Technology | Mrs J Turner Mrs V Yardley | Matt Embrey |
History and Geography | Mrs P Wilton | TBC |
PSHE | Ms R King | Gaius Phillingham |
Music | Mrs H Cole and Mrs H Cook | TBC |
PE/Sports funding | Mr S Smith Miss H Snook | Kathryn Glover |
Art/Design/Display | Mrs M Battle | TBC |
| Mr A Page | Gaius Phillingham |
Languages | Miss R Wilkinson | Malcolm Gentry |
SENCo | Amy Bowden | Christine Meadway |