Physical Education
PE uniform
A new school year is upon us and we have started our PE lessons this term. Please can I remind you that all children need both indoor and outdoor kits:
Indoor PE kit
- coloured PE t-shirt
- black shorts
Outdoor PE kit
- coloured PE t-shirt
- tracksuit trousers
- warm jumper/zip top
- trainers (NOT PLIMSOLS)
Warm clothing is essential as your child will definitely have 1 outdoor PE session a week.
On PE days please ensure long hair is tied back and no jewellery is worn. Earrings must be able to be removed by the child. We can not tape earrings so they have to be removed prior to all sporting activities.
Thank you
PE at Highfields
Following our recent Ofsted Inspection, it was noted that;
'Parents are overwhelmingly positive about the school. Pupils enjoy an extensive range of after-school clubs and activities. There is excellent provision for pupils’personal development and their spiritual, social, moral and cultural development, so they are well prepared for the next stage in their education and for life in modern Britain.'
Physical Education at Highfields
All children have the opportunity to participate in a range of physical activities during their time at Highfields. The PE lessons and extra curricular activities that the children have access to are planned to give them the chance to learn and develop new skills. They are taught the value of working as part of a team and have opportunity to feel what it is like to be involved in competitive activities.
All children in the school have a minimum of 2 hours of PE a week with additional opportunities throughout the year to extend this time. Specialist coaches are used alongside the staff to support and enhance the curriculum.
The school runs a range of clubs throughout the school year and these can be used alongside curriculum lessons to help identify and promote opportunities for children to develop their skills in local community teams and clubs.
The school has good links with the High school and local primary schools and engages regularly in inter school competitions and sporting matches against other schools.
PE policy
Highfields House Teams
Swans - blue Herons - green
Godwits - yellow Egrets - red
Please make sure your child has their house colour t-shirt in their pe bag for every PE lesson - thank you!
Every half term, the school competes in a chosen sport to win the House Team cup! We are eagerly looking forward to the next team challenges!
Intent Statement and Progression Grids
PE Curriculum map
Children are expected to leave Primary school being able to swim at least 25m. As our school is situated close to a water environment we strongly believe it is a necessity to provide children with an opportunity to learn to swim. We are therefore helping to fund swimming lessons at Colchester Leisure on a weekly basis for the Autumn term. Year 4 will go throughout the Autumn Term.
Off the Wall
We are very fortunate to once again have 'Off the Wall' in to coach children in their squash skills. The children in KS2 have the opportunity to practise on nets in the hall and then visit Colchester Garrison to play on their squash courts. Yr 5 and 6 practise in the Autumn term and Yr 3-4 in the Spring term. KS1 also join in the fun with sessions during the Summer term
Football and Tennis Fun
Throughout the year, every year group will have the opportunity to develop their football skills with Haz.
Haz also offers after school clubs, for all ages, throughout the week.
Zico, our tennis coach works with classes throughout the school year and also offers and after school tennis club.
Competition time
Highfields love nothing more than a healthy sporting competition. We have already enjoyed football matches, netball matches, indoor athletics, tennis tournaments, cricket festivals, rugby matches, squash tournaments and a multisports competition.The children love the adrenalin buzz when competing and it is a joy to watch the smiles on their faces. We also hold Sports Days in the Summer Term for all children to take part in whilst being supported by their parents.