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Highfields Primary School

Foundation Stage

Ofsted November 2022-


There is excellent provision for children in all the areas of learning in the early years. Children settle rapidly into school. They are ready to learn because of the highly effective transition arrangements.


There are excellent and well-embedded behaviour and learning routines that start in Reception.


Pupils’love of reading starts in Reception and continues throughout the school.

Children make an exceptionally strong start in learning to read. They rapidly grasp phonics.



The Early Years Provision is outstanding and children get off to a flying start! Ofsted 2016


Welcome to The Foundation Stage

If you need to see your child's class teacher please make an appointment at the school office.


Mrs Battle Mondays-Wednesdays & Mrs Turner Thursdays and Fridays class teacher -Bumble Bee ClassMrs Connelly-Mondays & Mrs Cole Class teacher Tuesdays-Fridays  Ladybird class Class
Mrs Titshall-Teaching Assistant -Bumble Bee ClassMrs Moore Teaching Assistant -Ladybird  Class

The Foundation Stage

We would like to welcome all of our new children to Highfields Primary school.

Entering Reception at Highfields Primary School is your child’s first step on their school journey. We recognise that this is a huge transition for both children and their parents. We look forward to working with you and your child to develop their lifelong love of learning. We will work in partnership with you to develop your child’s self- esteem, confidence and growing independence.  In your child's first year at Highfields we will build strong foundations to help your child foster a love of learning.

School Day

  • School begins at 8.40am Children will be welcomed by the glazed link doors in the KS1 playground by a member of staff and will be assisted to their classrooms.
  • Lunch takes place from  11.45 and finishes at 1.10pm
  • The school day ends at 3.10pm and children will be dismissed from the glazed link once the appropriate adult has been seen.



Foundation Stage Long term plan 24-25

Autumn 2 Medium Term Festivals and Celebrations

Recommended Reading list

Reading Meeting presentation for parents 2023

Foundation Stage in Action
