Hello everyone,
Welcome to years 3 and 4 2020/21!
We are following the White Rose scheme of work for maths as they believe as we do that “every child can do maths”.
As well as daily timetabled maths lessons we regularly practise times tables and number bonds (pairs of numbers that add up to 10, 20 and 100). Year 3s also practise counting in 50s and 100s and Year 4s practise counting in 25s and 1000s
Times tables
By end of Year 2 - expectation for children to know 2s, 5s and 10s
By end of Year 3- expectation for children to know 2s, 5s, 10, 3s, 4s, and 8s
By end of Year 4 – expectation for children to know and be able to quickly recall all their times tables up to 12.
We do regular times tables quizzes and track the children’s progress and are so grateful for the support that you give them at home to learn the tables. We understand that children pick these up at different rates.
One way to support their times tables learning is through using TTRockstars Your child should have a sticker in their yellow times tables booklet with their TTRockstars log in. This can be accessed on PCs / laptop or you can get an app for phones or tablets.
Maths homework is set on a Friday using “MyMaths”
You child will be sent home with a letter with their “MyMaths” log in. The maths homework will either support the learning done in school in the previous week or will be revision.
Most of all enjoy being curious about numbers with your child – you could let them pay for things in shops and check the change, check the time with you and enjoy weighing things out in the kitchen.
The Year Three / Four Team