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Highfields Primary School

Collaborative Partnerships


"The Headteacher is committed to offering the best opportunities to her staff and pupils and actively seeks partnerships with other schools and agencies to enable her to do so. Staff are overwhelmingly positive about the opportunities that being part of the local schools’ partnership has brought. Through this and other collaborative work, teachers have been able to share best practice, assure themselves of the accuracy of their assessments and provide even more opportunities for the pupils at Highfields Primary School."                                                                                                    Ofsted 2016


The Constable Collaborative Partnership

For the past three years, Highfields has been working strategically and collaboratively with Lawford C of E Primary and Dedham Primary School.


The Three Heads meet regularly to plan valuable training for Governors, Senior Managers, teachers and support staff.


Each term teachers have opportunities to spend time in each other’s schools, observing and planning opportunities for sharing ideas and moderating samples of children’s work.


This year, the Head teachers have begun to carry out peer mentoring in each other’s schools initially taking the form of joint lesson observations in order to verify judgements.


We have found the partnership very helpful and supportive in moving the school’s development forward. Combining the expertise in each school is very powerful.



Peer Review at Highfields Primary School

This year our Peer Review has focused upon our Special Educational Needs provision. We were visited by the SENCos from Dedham and Chase Lane Primary schools. Our visitors were asked to investigate the question 'How well does Highfields use its resources to support and promote the academic and the social development of SEND pupils?' Time was spent talking to teachers, pupils, parents and support assistants; looking at data; sampling lessons and evaluating our resources and the impact they have on our pupils. A detailed report was written and aspects of this will inform our School Improvement Plan and our School Self Evaluation. 


We can all learn from each other and share our experiences to ensure that we continue to progress and make our schools the best they can be.


Highfields Primary School Peer Review March 2017
