Week 11 Home Learning Grid & resources w/b 22.6.2020
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- Week 11 Home Learning Grid & resources w/b 22.6.2020
Week 11 resources w.b.22.6.2020
- Monday - Improve the vocabulary.pdf
- Tuesday - Adverb activity.pdf
- Wednesday - Add-the-Punctuation 1.pdf
- Thur - Add the punctuation 2.pdf
- Friday - Sentence openers game.pdf
- Answers - Adverbs.pdf
- ANSWERS Add-the-Punctuation 1.pdf
- ANSWERS Add the punctuation 2.pdf
- Black & White Victorian-Toys-Jack-in-the-Box-Paper-Model.pdf
- Colour Victorian-Toys-Jack-in-the-Box-Paper-Model.pdf
- Victorian-Toys-PowerPoint.ppt
- William-Morris-Artist-Fact-Sheet.pdf
- William-Morris-Photo-Pack.pdf
- Places-of-Worship-Christian-Churches.ppt
- Parts of a Church.pdf