Design Technology
What do Oftsed say about Design Technology at Highfields?
- Pupils make excellent progress across the curriculum.
- Highly motivated leaders work together to take appropriate action to make sure that any pupils who fall behind are given the necessary support to catch up quickly.
Welcome to the Design Technology page
On this page you will find useful information related to the topics covered in DT across the school as well as the way in which skills progress in the subject throughout the school. The gallery will provide you will photographs of 'DT in action' across the school.
In DT, we provide opportunities for each child, in each topic, to design, make and evaluate their final product. Design Technology also includes the designing, making and evaluating of different foods.
Here is our Statement of Intent for the Design Technology curriculum:
Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. Design and Technology encourages children to learn to think and intervene creatively to solve problems both as individuals and as members of a team. It requires children to be active learners with the confidence to ‘have a go,’ and the resilience to persist with a project when challenges occur.
At Highfields the Design and Technology curriculum combines skills, knowledge, concepts and values to enable children to tackle real problems. It can improve critical analysis, problem solving, and practical capability and evaluation skills. We aim to, wherever possible, link work to other subject areas such as mathematics, science, engineering, computing and art thereby enabling pupils to notice connections and patterns in their learning. We also aim to, wherever possible, build relationships with local businesses and members of the school community.
Through Design Technology children are encouraged to become innovators and risk-takers. High-quality Design and Technology education makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture, wealth and well-being of the nation.
Our In DT curriculum aims are:
- To develop imaginative thinking in children and to enable them to talk about what they like and dislike when designing and making;
- To enable children to talk about how things work, and to draw and model their ideas;
- To encourage children to select appropriate tools and techniques for making a product, whilst following safe procedures;
- To foster enjoyment, satisfaction and purpose in designing and making;
- To use ICT software to assist our designing and learning.
There are lots of exciting learning opportunities for children in design technology this year. The overview below allows you to see what topics children will cover across the year in each year group.
Homework projects across the school

Year 1 & 2 have been working on their joining, cutting and folding skills!

Year 2 have been designing and planning how to make their alien masks. They then constructed them and evaluated their final pieces of work.

Year 3 and 4 have made Anglo Saxon houses
KS1 and KS2 link with the Manningtree High School to conduct DT projects.