Each year, we set ourselves the goal to aid the school to provide funding to benefit as many pupils as possible. Over the last few years, we have donated the following:
Play equipment - a donation towards the play trail and lunchtime activity sports equipment.
The Year 6 leavers party.
The end of year trip to London to see a West End Show.
This year's Year 6 camping trip in Mersey.
We sponsored the Year 5s for their trip to Norfolk to visit an animal sanctuary.
Computer software.
Rugby and netball bibs.
Gardening tools, plants and seeds.
The Needle Craft Club.
New Picnic tables.
Trips to a variety of places for all year groups. (£500 per year group in 2015).
New reading books for Key Stage One.
The Snow Queen show.
Bike racks and shelter.
'New parents' coffee morning (Foundation Stage).
TV Monitor in reception for parents to see photos and the school website.
Last year we also funded the new Reading and Spelling program, Read Write Inc.
CD Players for all classrooms, and loads more!
NONE of this would have been possible if it was not for all your support at our events! SO, A BIG THANK YOU!