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Highfields Primary School


The Children’s University is a national organisation, which aims to encourage children aged 7-14 years (and 5 to 6 year olds with their families) to take part in activities and experiences which support and extend their learning outside the classroom. The organisation aims  to support children’s life-long learning and help to develop their resilience, self-belief and ambition. 


All children who join the Children’s University have an individually numbered ‘Passport to Learning’ which they use to record the different activities they complete and the time they have spent doing them. This can include Cubs, Brownies, extra-curricular clubs at school such as football, choir and music lessons.  


Children’s University does not require families to sign up to clubs and activities which require payment.  We know that out of school activities can be expensive, so there are many activities which the children can take part in without a cost which can be found on the Essex Children’s University website, including regular challenges.


Once children have completed 30 hours of activities, they are invited to a Graduation Ceremony held at a venue in Essex to receive their bronze award. They can then continue to work towards silver (65 hours) and gold (100 hours) awards.


There are no charges to be involved in the Children’s University, but children purchase a Passport to Learning where they can record their learning activities and the time they have spent doing them. There is a one-off cost of £5.00 for a Passport to Learning which will last approximately 18 months.



If you would like to support your child to join the Children’s University, please complete a membership form, which can be found on the website below. 

Alternatively, a paper copy of the membership form is available from the School Office.

Completed membership forms should then be returned to school and payment for a Passport made through School Gateway.


Don’t forget, anyone who already has a Passport to Learning can carry on using it and collect the hours they need for their next award.


Further details about the Essex Children’s University can be found at





Graduation Ceremonies are held to celebrate the achievements of Essex Children’s University Learners who have completed 30 hours or more of extra curriculum learning in and outside of school.


The hours spent completing activities are recorded in a Passport to Learning and count towards National Certificates which recognise, reward and celebrate children’s achievements. Certificates are then presented at a Children's University Graduation Ceremony, held at venues around Essex and Suffolk.


Congratulations to the these Highfields’ pupils for the following successes:

· Robert M – Gold Award (100 hours)

· Alex S – Silver Diploma (265 hours)

· Bethany H – Gold Diploma (300 hours)

· Esther H – Bronze and Silver Degrees (365 hours)

· Theo S – Bronze Postgraduate Award (430 hours)


This message from Debbie Bennett, manager of the Children’s University, is one which we also whole-heartedly support at Highfields.

“ Our work encourages children to try new activities and unfamiliar experiences. To be passionately curious, and have fun whilst learning. To develop those skills and talents we would like to see more of in all our communities: resilience, adaptability, collaboration, self-confidence and      self-belief.”
