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Highfields Primary School

Highfields Musical Hall of Fame

Hall of Fame

At Highfields we encourage children to learn a musical instrument and progress through a series of badges, certificates and musical examinations. Take a look below to see the music awards some of our pupils have achieved...

Musical Achievements  2022-2023

Eloise B Grade 1 Singing Merit

Elisha B Grade 3 Singing Merit

Musical Achievements 2021-2022

Congratulations on the children who have worked hard this year.


Alicia B Grade 1 Singing

Evie G Grade 3 Singing

Emily R ABRSM Grade 1 Saxophone

 Musical Achievements 2020-2021

Although the children had huge disruption to their music lessons during the 20-21 academic year we still had a few children manage to take exams.

Well done to:

Mariella DL Merit in Singing

Emily M Grade 3 Singing

Isabella B Grade 3 Singing

Dominic B Grade 3 Drums

Milo C Grade 1 Drums

                                                 Emily R-ABRSM   Copper Music Medal on Saxophone


Music Achievements 2019-2020


                         Emily M Bronze Award-Flute




Music Achievements 2018/19


Nicolas - Grade 3 Clarinet

Harriet Silver Medal

Hamilton Grade 1 distinction

Emily M Copper Medal

Emily G Copper Medal

Isla Copper Medal

Mariella Copper Medal

Nicolas Grade 3 Clarinet

Emily C Copper Medal



Thomas Grade 1

Freya Grade 2



Isabelle M Grade 4 Trumpet and recieved a Scholarship to the Hospital School in Music.



Awaiting results from the end of the Summer Term. Still TBC
